Monday, March 17, 2008

SlideShowPro Plugin

I found a plugin for Adobe Lightroom that is a must have for anyone that wants to publish pictures on the web. The settings and capabilities of Adobe Lightroom are great, but this plugin takes it to the next level. Dominey Design has outdone themselves. See a preview from my website (under construction) showing SlideShowPro in action.

This is completely done in flash. More importantly, there are more settings than you can possibly imagine. You can choose all the colors, styles, what is showing or hidden, what data fields are used, custom sizes, hyperlinks, add logos, etc.

This control lets you toggle between full screen and normal sizing - on the fly. There is also an equally impressive gallery list that does not require much work to use. Also notice the wet floor look which can be toggled on and off. It maintains a reflection that changes with each image showing. This is truly well done.

The manual is very well written with examples showing how to use advanced features such as publishing within an existing web page and publishing multiple albums in a gallery window. Luckily, only a few items require extra work and they are not necessary to publish an album. There is also an extensive forum available to help with any questions or support.

All the ftp and export settings in Lightroom work, so you can publish your work straight to your website from within Lightroom.

You can buy SlideShowPro for Lightroom for only $25US and paypal is accepted with immediate download. If you want to try the plugin first, there is a great trial version that just stamps the pictures with a demo message, but is fully functional.

NOTE: As I get my website up and functional, I will a) post a link so you can view it and b) put together some tutorials for how to use SlideShowPro and how to customize it within the web framework.

Thank you Todd!

Don't forget to visit my photography web site where we sell museum quality black and white prints framed to last up to 175 years - Outdoor Images Fine Art.

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