Sunday, December 16, 2012

Is Digital Imaging Real Photography?

Does modifying a digital image change the authenticity of a photograph?


There are purists and there are artists.  A purist would define a photograph as original if the photographer used slide film, which does not offer much in the way of manipulation.  An artist, on the other hand, would define a photograph as original even if they modified the entire look and feel in Adobe Photoshop such that the image now resembled a picasso.  Which one is correct?

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Don't forget to visit my photography web site where we sell museum quality black and white prints framed to last up to 175 years - Outdoor Images Fine Art.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Using Multiple Catalogs in Lightroom

This article covers the Metadata section of the Smart Collections Workflow and is part of the complete Smart Collection Workflow for Lightroom.

While it has been awhile since I have added more content to the workflow, time has helped the cause. Adobe Lightroom has continued to improve the workflow characteristics of this great photographer's tool since I began using Lightroom 1.0. As of this current version (4.x), I have really spent more time refining how I work on my catalog in the off hours. Since I have full time self-employment and a family, the time I get in front of my iMac is less than in front of my macbook pro. This made finding a method of editing photos already in my catalog paramount to continuing my photography work.

Luckily, there is a simple way to work on parts of my catalog remotely and then merge the changes back into my main catalog.  I use only a few built-in Lightroom commands to accomplish this feat.

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Don't forget to visit my photography web site where we sell museum quality black and white prints framed to last up to 175 years - Outdoor Images Fine Art.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Perceptual Color versus Relative Color Settings

We are constantly faced with the choice for printing photographs of using either Perceptual color or Relative color.  If you print mostly black and white, like I do, then you easily forget which setting does what.  Paper, ink and time are too expensive to waste, so I have put some references here to resources I use in helping me make that choice.

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Don't forget to visit my photography web site where we sell museum quality black and white prints framed to last up to 175 years - Outdoor Images Fine Art.

Monday, June 4, 2012

Leica X1 High ISO

First, you should know that this article is not meant to be a test or a full comparison.  I'm working on some more scientific results related to the X1 and the new Leica X2 (when it arrives!).  However, I shot a few sequences at an ISO of 1600 as was truly amazed at the results.  This is partly due to the fact that I think (again, not scientific) my M-8 is not as crisp at 1600 as the X1 was.  The crispness I am referring to is not because of focus or lens sharpness, but rather the results of the high speed ISO on the digital sensor.  So, here is the example, full size and enlarged to show detail.  What this exercise has done is sparked my interest to compare the M-8 sensor against the X1 and the X2.  Don't hold your breath, but eventually I'll get it done!  See the images below. ... Read More!

Don't forget to visit my photography web site where we sell museum quality black and white prints framed to last up to 175 years - Outdoor Images Fine Art.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Digital Camera Sensor Size

This topic deserves much more time than I can give it right now.  However, I like this comparison by dpreview, so I include it here for my reference and you to use.  Sensor Sizes.

The picture makes it easier to see the difference between a 16mp 1/2.33, 4/3, APS-C and Full Frame.  Wow!  Same number of pixels, spread further apart.  Thus, the reason a compact camera with a small sensor shows more noise than one with a larger sensor.

I will be posting more about the noise as it relates to the Leica X series verses the M-8.  My wish list includes an M-Monochrome, but that will have to wait until they are used! ... Read More!

Don't forget to visit my photography web site where we sell museum quality black and white prints framed to last up to 175 years - Outdoor Images Fine Art.

Saturday, May 26, 2012

Focus versus Exposure

Focus or exposure, which is the most important? Some might even wonder why ask the question when both are critical to a great print. I would even venture to include modern movement photography where the focus may be blurred on purpose because even then the focus is a conscious decision. However, when photographing moments, as opposed to still life, quick decisions are made sometimes at the expense of others. Here I describe Which I believe is more critical based on countless rejects that would have been great photos.

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Don't forget to visit my photography web site where we sell museum quality black and white prints framed to last up to 175 years - Outdoor Images Fine Art.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Lightroom 4 Fix For External Editing

Ok, Yes, it has been awhile since I posted. I have continued to enjoy photography even picking up a new camera or lens now and then. I also enjoyed publishing several blurb books with success exceeding my expectations. However, today's post is about a solution for the nagging new problem Lightroom 4 introduced, the failing external edit.

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Don't forget to visit my photography web site where we sell museum quality black and white prints framed to last up to 175 years - Outdoor Images Fine Art.